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As a safety measure 1Password will only interact with browsers where we've verified the code signature. The code signatures we verify are hardcoded into the application and are for a small number of the popular browsers. The browser you referenced seems to be only available for Windows which would suggest we're referring to 1Password 4 for Windows. I'm unaware of any way to disable this on the Windows platform meaning we won't work with Cent Browser.

Supported browsers include:

* Firefox
* Chrome
* Opera
* Vivaldi

and we're compatible with Brave as well although they've taken an unusual approach. Regardless of the approach, we have their code signature in 1Password.

I apologise I don't have a more promising response to offer right now. There seem to be hundreds of Chromium based forks and we're not in a position to confidently say anything about most so we concentrate on the browsers we know are popular and we have the resources to stay aware of.
