11-17-2016, 05:53 PM
There are three changes may need your attention.
1."Startup command line" is stored in "Local State" in previous version, now it is stored in cb_config.ini under the same directory with chrome.exe.So you may need to copy your command line and write in "Other options" again.We did this change because some command line needs to be applied before "Local State" initialization.
2.Extension panel now become default enabled(the same with Chrome).If you want your extension icons appearing at the end of location bar instead of tool bar, you can add a command line "--extension-action-redesign=0"(without quotes).
3.Browser window will follow system DPI setting on all platform.Thus you may see browser window became larger that before if you changed system font scale.If you want it to ignore your DPI setting(stick to 100% scale), please add a command line "--force-device-scale-factor=1.0"(without quotes).
Command lines are splitted by blank space in "Startup command line" field.
Release log:
32-bit installer 32-bit portable
64-bit installer 64-bit portable
1."Startup command line" is stored in "Local State" in previous version, now it is stored in cb_config.ini under the same directory with chrome.exe.So you may need to copy your command line and write in "Other options" again.We did this change because some command line needs to be applied before "Local State" initialization.
2.Extension panel now become default enabled(the same with Chrome).If you want your extension icons appearing at the end of location bar instead of tool bar, you can add a command line "--extension-action-redesign=0"(without quotes).
3.Browser window will follow system DPI setting on all platform.Thus you may see browser window became larger that before if you changed system font scale.If you want it to ignore your DPI setting(stick to 100% scale), please add a command line "--force-device-scale-factor=1.0"(without quotes).
Command lines are splitted by blank space in "Startup command line" field.
Release log:
32-bit installer 32-bit portable
64-bit installer 64-bit portable