If you want to backup as less files as possible, there is a file list in the attachment.
You should put it in your installation directory(the same directory with chrome.exe).
Then you can add a command bookmark having the following content:
cmd://cmd.exe /c for /f "delims=" %I in (..\file_list.txt) do xcopy /siy "..\%I" "E:\My_Cent_Profile\"
(You should change E:\My_Cent_Profile\ to your own path)
When you want to do a backup, just click the command bookmark.
Thanks for the tool, may be useful!
There is a convenient utility of ChromiumBackup. Once to adjust, further to steam of clicks and it is ready. It is possible to archive profiles of browsers on Chromium.
@RavenGrey, attachment restored.
(10-31-2023, 11:13 AM)hth4nh Wrote: [ -> ]It's not work anymore
This works only for portable version.
And I suggest using Chrome Sync to backup data now.
(11-06-2023, 03:47 PM)CentBrowser Wrote: [ -> ]This works only for portable version.
And I suggest using Chrome Sync to backup data now.
good function, I didn’t know about this one, but is it possible to transfer some information from the browser to cmd through this command? such as link address, title, etc.
cmd://yt-dlp -o "C:\Users\QZMTCH\Desktop\%(title)s.%(ext)s" "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V36qnbVefWc"
as an example. It downloads the video so well, but there is no way to transfer the page link to cmd
I tried options from bookmarklets
I tried the option with a variable from the local state
{URL} https://i.imgur.com/SyUoSIv.png Do you have internal variables here, I thought maybe they are available from this bookmark option
If there is no such option, can you add such an option?
[/font][/color]for this function to be the best in everything, you need the maximum amount of information that is in the internal variables or from javascript variables
and if possible, give the opportunity to add these links to the context menu by links (well that's if it's possible)
but if you can already pass at least a link, then show how, this will already be enough for many options, Thanks
(11-09-2023, 03:56 PM)QZMTCH Wrote: [ -> ]good function, I didn’t know about this one, but is it possible to transfer some information from the browser to cmd through this command? such as link address, title, etc.
cmd://yt-dlp -o "C:\Users\QZMTCH\Desktop\%(title)s.%(ext)s" "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V36qnbVefWc"
as an example. It downloads the video so well, but there is no way to transfer the page link to cmd
I tried options from bookmarklets location.href
I tried the option with a variable from the local state {URL} https://i.imgur.com/SyUoSIv.png Do you have internal variables here, I thought maybe they are available from this bookmark option
If there is no such option, can you add such an option?
[/font][/color]for this function to be the best in everything, you need the maximum amount of information that is in the internal variables or from javascript variables
and if possible, give the opportunity to add these links to the context menu by links (well that's if it's possible)
but if you can already pass at least a link, then show how, this will already be enough for many options, Thanks
This feature doesn't support variables for now.
These variables seem no much use except for yt-dlp.
Even in yt-dlp, there are still many scenarios to consider.
For example, many <video> are within <iframe>, in such case we need to send {COOKIES} and {REFERRER} of <iframe> URL instead of current tab URL.
But command bookmark doesn't know this.