(09-23-2015, 05:28 PM)reactor Wrote: [ -> ]Chrome 45 
But it is too late for upgrading 45, what about jumping to 46?
It would be great but when?
Heared of NPAPI completely removed from Chromium, we decided not to follow 45 in a short period.
But now it seems to be a mistake.Chromium 45 only removed switches of NPAPI, but the implementation code is still there.
We can wait stable release of 46 and follow it as soon as possible.
thanks for this new release.
I have made some little suggestions in the
french translation thread
ps : there is something really weird in Cent Browser since I'm using it. Take any Chromium based browser (chrome, slimjet, whatever you want...) and disable predictive service (I really HATE that useless feature and disable it everytime !) : the browser will only check in history and favorites to suggest URL when you type in the address bar. This is the normal behavior since the beginning of any chromium-based browser.
In Cent Browser, this feature is not working at all ! Predictive service must be kept ON to have suggestions of history and favorites, which also suggests google results (a really a bad idea). Please can you fix that so we can have the choice to have only OFFLINE suggestions, like any chrome/chromium browser.
To sum up, this should be :
predictive service ON : offline suggestions (based on the history and favorites) + online suggestions (google or any other search website)
predictive service OFF : offline suggestions
only (based on the history and favorites)
EDIt : maybe I should talk about that in the Bugs section

Then this is not an improvment nor a privacy protection at all, and it's really really disapointing...OFFLINE suggestions are not (and will never be) a privacy problem. In this case you can also consider url history as a privacy problem too, and even better : favorites, and disable it when predictive service is OFF. Because when it's OFF, you can check favorites in the favorites bar, you can also check the history. So, why disabling
OFFLINE suggestions should be any better for our privacy when every single private data (favorites, history) can be checked elsewhere ?
the only privacy problem that I see is to force people to activate predictive service to be able to see
OFFLINE suggestions...this is as bad as Microsoft disabling search fonctionnality in Windows if you uncheck bing (which hopefully is NOT true).
offline suggestions are a FEATURE, not a bug, very handy to type faster in the url bar
please, at least, let people CHOOSE. Offline suggestions and online predictions are two different features and should NOT be enabled/disabled with only one option.
Hi Cent browser team:
"Background tab for new tab",I can't find this function in chrome://settings/.
How can i enable this function?
(09-23-2015, 09:13 PM)badablek Wrote: [ -> ]Then this is not an improvment nor a privacy protection at all, and it's really really disapointing...OFFLINE suggestions are not (and will never be) a privacy problem. In this case you can also consider url history as a privacy problem too, and even better : favorites, and disable it when predictive service is OFF. Because when it's OFF, you can check favorites in the favorites bar, you can also check the history. So, why disabling OFFLINE suggestions should be any better for our privacy when every single private data (favorites, history) can be checked elsewhere ?
the only privacy problem that I see is to force people to activate predictive service to be able to see OFFLINE suggestions...this is as bad as Microsoft disabling search fonctionnality in Windows if you uncheck bing (which hopefully is NOT true).
offline suggestions are a FEATURE, not a bug, very handy to type faster in the url bar
please, at least, let people CHOOSE. Offline suggestions and online predictions are two different features and should NOT be enabled/disabled with only one option.
Well we will restore the change in the next version.It is much easier to delete code than add code.