CentBrowser Forum

Full Version: Show avatar button
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Show avatar button does not work, if I turn off this button, the avatar is on the bar in the upper right corner of the browser.
We can't reproduce this issue.
Have you disabled "Continue running background apps when Cent Browser is closed" in chrome://settings/system?
Sometimes residual chrome.exe in task manager may cause your changes failed to take effect.
By the way, please open chrome://policy and paste its content here.
(06-04-2020, 04:19 PM)CentBrowser Wrote: [ -> ]We can't reproduce this issue.
Have you disabled "Continue running background apps when Cent Browser is closed" in chrome://settings/system?
Sometimes residual chrome.exe in task manager may cause your changes failed to take effect.
By the way, please open chrome://policy and paste its content here.
Not up to date I solved this problem myself