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(12-04-2020, 07:55 AM)cb-user Wrote: [ -> ]2. Why is the chrome_proxy.exe file present in the browser? What is its purpose? If you delete it, nothing changes.

At least in part, chrome_proxy.exe is used to open desktop shortcuts created from the browser. Press Alt+Shift+S to create a shortcut then try and launch it without the exe. Not sure what else it does, if anything.
(11-26-2020, 01:57 PM)CentBrowser Wrote: [ -> ]There may be still small upgrades.
Version out today , see static server for downloads
Is this the final ending? Or will there be improvements and changes again?
When will changelogs be seen? What has been done, what has been fixed in the final?

P.S. Everything. Changelog published!

Are the installation files not digitally signed again?
In this case, publish the hashes of the files!
"[Bug fixes]Emoji show as square in Win10 2004 when DirectWrite is disabled" - I expected to fix not only the "squares", but also the fact that the emoji will be colored, but this is not the case.
(12-08-2020, 06:13 PM)100perCent Wrote: [ -> ]"[Bug fixes]Emoji show as square in Win10 2004 when DirectWrite is disabled" -  I expected to fix not only the "squares", but also the fact that the emoji will be colored, but this is not the case.
This is restriction of GDI rendering.
You can compare with IE.
(12-09-2020, 04:06 PM)CentBrowser Wrote: [ -> ]This is restriction of GDI rendering.
You can compare with IE.
I was comparing it to Firefox, which has had no problems with fonts and emoticons for years.?
and from now on, fingers crossed for cent team to include manifest v2 in the next update(s),
because the shitty v3 is coming on chrome 88 Confused
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