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It's possible to have Cent Browser's own web store - Printable Version

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It's possible to have Cent Browser's own web store - Budi - 11-06-2018

Would it be possible to have Cent Browser's own web store which, in start, let any developer to be a registered member for free 100%, not like Chrome Web store (cws) that mandates one-time $5 Credit card payment as the registration fee.
Many devs don't have any CC nor recourse to pay such to be a CWS valid member

But then the member will have to strictly oblige the CB web store rules in providing all benefits available to anyone..

I'm the one who's pathetic for being valid cws member without any way or possiblity to get it done because of no cc available.

Thanks in advance !

RE: It's possible to have Cent Browser's own web store - Admini - 11-07-2018

Thanks for your kind suggestion.
However we don't have many users, so we can't bring many users to the extensions in our web store.
If you are developing only for yourself, you can use "Load unpacked" in chrome://extensions/
You can develop an user script instead of an extension if possible, like those on https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts