(10-04-2016, 05:50 AM)CentBrowser Wrote: [ -> ] (10-03-2016, 06:33 PM)piliq Wrote: [ -> ]Same problem
The name "Не подтвержден 535352.crdownload" is when i am downloading file. After downloading is complete, the name becomes normal.
Weird issue, have you installed some extension that may change User Agent?
No. Not big deal. It renames normally after downloading and it great! Thanks for update! Good Luck! Very thanks for "Delete" option in right click menu!

(10-04-2016, 06:46 AM)reactor Wrote: [ -> ]Boss, i don't know which url
and not one time 
OK, we will analyze it.
Have you changed any options or flags?
(10-04-2016, 08:37 AM)CentBrowser Wrote: [ -> ] (10-04-2016, 06:46 AM)reactor Wrote: [ -> ]Boss, i don't know which url
and not one time 
OK, we will analyze it.
Have you changed any options or flags?
yes Boss,
Origin Trials = disabled
Brotli Content-Encoding = enabled
Pointer Events = disabled
FontCache scaling = disabled
Weak MemoryCache = disabled
V8 caching strategy for CacheStorage = disabled
Media Router = disabled
Permission Action Reporting = disabled
Translate 2016Q2 UI = disabled
The new bookmark app system = disabled
Block scripts loaded via document.write = enabled
Enable Material Design history = disabled
WebUSB = disabled
Hi guys, please tell me how will be better, ON or OFF this option - "Use Single Extension Process" ?
My PC : 2 Cores 2.5 GHz, 1 Gb RAM, WinXP. I need very light browser, thx
(10-04-2016, 11:44 AM)reactor Wrote: [ -> ]yes Boss,
Origin Trials = disabled
Brotli Content-Encoding = enabled
Pointer Events = disabled
FontCache scaling = disabled
Weak MemoryCache = disabled
V8 caching strategy for CacheStorage = disabled
Media Router = disabled
Permission Action Reporting = disabled
Translate 2016Q2 UI = disabled
The new bookmark app system = disabled
Block scripts loaded via document.write = enabled
Enable Material Design history = disabled
WebUSB = disabled
Media Router = disabled
Block scripts loaded via document.write = enabled
These two flags may increase renderer crashes.
(10-04-2016, 12:25 PM)Alex_046 Wrote: [ -> ]Hi guys, please tell me how will be better, ON or OFF this option - "Use Single Extension Process" ?
My PC : 2 Cores 2.5 GHz, 1 Gb RAM, WinXP. I need very light browser, thx
It should better be ON.
But your computer is somewhat old, I suggest you increase your RAM to 8G+ and install Windows 7+.
The yellow folder icons are back. Because of this I have stopped using CentBrowser.