I don't know if it's because of its beta state, but in, pinned tabs are not more protected from closing with CTRL+W
Is this a temporary bug ? We should NEVER EVER be able to close a pinned tab (if it's pinned, it's because we want to keep it, not close it inadvertently)
ps : material design is back again, even with all material flags set to disable

I really hope you will consider adding an option, one day, to FULLY and easily disable that sh!t instead of using "--extension-action-redesign=0 --top-chrome-md=non-material" command-line (yes, I did not changed my thinking about material design, and I never will

"pinned tabs are not more protected from closing with CTRL+W"
This is changed intendedly, because pinned tabs are protected too strictly(can only be closed by Ctrl+F4 and context menu).
Now we make it can be closed by accelerators(Ctrl+F4 and Ctrl+W) but not mouse click/mouse gestures.
"material design is back again"
For now MD and Non-MD co-exist in Chromium code.I guess they will remove Non-MD code and resources one day.
So it is hard to keep Non-MD forever.
What about new release? Is it final?
(11-17-2016, 04:31 PM)CentBrowser Wrote: [ -> ]@badablek
"pinned tabs are not more protected from closing with CTRL+W"
This is changed intendedly, because pinned tabs are protected too strictly(can only be closed by Ctrl+F4 and context menu).
Now we make it can be closed by accelerators(Ctrl+F4 and Ctrl+W) but not mouse click/mouse gestures.
"material design is back again"
For now MD and Non-MD co-exist in Chromium code.I guess they will remove Non-MD code and resources one day.
So it is hard to keep Non-MD forever.
I don't want to be disrespectful to anybody, but pinned tabs are used TO KEEP them, not CLOSE them...Are people too dumb to unpin a tab before closing it ? Does anybody asked you to remove that wonderful feature (yes, beeing
UNABLE to close a pinned tab IS actually a feature, not a bug or a bad behavior) ?
we should not be able to close ANY pinned tab, with CTRL+F4, CTRL+W or anything else ! This reminds me slimjet (which is not a good thing at all). This change is not good, I will stay in rev I think it's time for me to disable automatic updates...(Or at least, please, let people decide what is good or not, don't you think ?)
MD reminds me old software products, with tons of stupid and ugly icons which hurt retina...I really don't understand where MD is better than non-MD....I only see a big prehistoric mamuth (google) who tries to push his stupid ideas (like Microsoft with its ribbon). Too bad you're going to the same direction

a really useful discussion...so it seems I'm not the only one who thinks that pinned tabs should be protected, even better than only closing it.
I left slimjet because of this behavior (well, this was not only because of that :p )
I see pinned tabs like a way to keep track of my favorite websites (those I cannot "live without"). We should not be able to close it, even more to overwrite it (I'm always opening url/fav in a new tab, so I'm not concerned with overwriting). And closing that kind of tab is as easy as : unpin > close.
pinning a tab is not a way to take less space (IMHO people using it for this did not understood what it was designed for)
this is my 2 cents on the subject, I really hope that you will consider, at least, adding an option to keep protected mode for pinned tabs (close, and why not...overwrite). But for now, I will stay in

thanks for your answer and reading.