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Bookmarks opening in new tab
Hello! And a big thank you is deserved for giving me the ability to get my old chrome look back.

When I woke up yesterday I was greeted with the "new" look and instantly tried finding a way to get my old tab look back. Google doesn't care about it's users demands so obviously this option is gone for good. So then I started looking for alternatives. I tried 5 different browsers (all failed) before I saw the mention of Cent on reddit. Gave it a try and voila! I got the exact same look I had before after a few adjustments. I am very happy about this. Congrats are in order to the devs! Only visual difference now is getting used to the blue icon on taskbar instead of the chrome one.

So now my main problem... This thing is seriously annoying me. Looked all over the settings and can't seem to find it. This would almost be a deal breaker for me so I really hope to find a solution. 

Problem: When I click on a bookmark, it always opens in a new tab. I do not want this. I don't think I could ever get used to that.

Also: I disabled updates. If I enable them, would an update ever change the look of the "old tabs" to the "new tabs" that Chrome 71 has? This is the reason I switched to Cent so I need the ability to always keep the old "trapeze" shape. I cannot stand the new look with the vertical separators between tabs.

Messages In This Thread
Bookmarks opening in new tab - by nitram - 12-09-2018, 11:55 AM
RE: Bookmarks opening in new tab - by Admini - 12-09-2018, 03:35 PM
RE: Bookmarks opening in new tab - by nitram - 12-09-2018, 04:08 PM

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