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Cent Browser Windows) Released

security is important (never said it isn't), paranoïa is not...

stop thinking that you are under cover because you're using the latest chromium engine
stop thinking that you're under fire because you're not using the latest chromium engine

you are using an OS that is full of vulnerabilities, sometimes already used by hackers (0-day) and NOT even patched by Microsoft. Even on Linux with an updated browser, you are NOT SAFE. Look at Windows 10, Microsoft rushed to launch this crapware, with its million bugs...and look how they are pathetically trying to fix those holes (200 000 millions users exposed, hackers are so happy)

you really think that hackers do care about you ? or me ? come on...

you can't make good software by rushing its updates ! And I'm glad to see that CB team takes its time to make things CORRECTLY. Nothing else to say. If you can't live with that, you should use chromium instead. Or even better, go to any anti-atomic bunker and disconnect from internet...because you will never be safe online !

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RE: Cent Browser Windows) Released - by badablek - 01-08-2016, 04:10 PM

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