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Cent Browser Windows) Released
(06-15-2017, 01:30 AM)darko999 Wrote: I have my CentBrowser shortcut edited with the addition of: chrome.exe --user-data-dir="K:\CentBrowser\Profile
Where "K" is path to the ramdisk. So when I doble click the shortcut it will use the profile that is located in my ramdisk. Everything is wonderful. The only issue I have is that when I open a link from any application. Let's say a game, let's say a chat window, any software that is not my browser. The link will create the default profile under the default profile path and launch CentBrowser using the default profile. How can achieve that when I open a link from any application it will open the link by running CentBrowser with the parameters I have in my shortcuts? Is it possible? Big thanks in advance! Stay strong!

You need to add this command line to "Startup command line" in "Other options".
And remove it from the shortcut.
Then the browser will use your customized location wherever it is launched.

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RE: Cent Browser Windows) Released - by Admini - 06-15-2017, 02:54 PM

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