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Netflix error
Anyone else having issues with Netflix? For me Netflix works with Internet Explorer, but with CB I'm getting this error, even in incognito mode aswell.

One more thing. My primary computer screen is using 120 hz. When I pull my browser window over to my other monitor whitch is 60 hz Netflix video is lagging like crazy on IE and Edge. Probably on CB also, but can't check because of the error I'm getting. Any fixes for this? Exactly same problem as this guy:
Have you checked "Widevine Content Decryption Module" in chrome://components/.
Maybe it needs upgrade.

When I press update it just says "Status - Compontent is not updated."

I tried disabling the extentions, re-install CB. Not sure what to do now. The error code M7121-1331-P7 still occurs

I called netflix and they told me I need to be using the google chrome for them being able to help me. But its strange, since its been working fine up until yesterday with cent browser.
Please try opening "Clear browsing data" dialog, and clear "Media licenses".
Did not help unfortunately :/

I tried other browsers too. works with slimjet, firefox, google chrome. I even did a clean windows 10 install yesterday then installed CB but same error still occur.

Forum is slow today. Takes about 1 minute to load every click.
It should be a Chromium bug.
We need upgrade once again.
Alright, thanks. Will keep an eye out for the new version Smile
it isn't an issue with cent browser it is an issue  with that chromium core it's self because the google  chrome counter part it is based on had the same issue  and i have ripped it  apart  and  sent all of the fixes they need  to google retired computer programmer it  sucks being a computer genius some times lmao butt it is apart of a line of  work i live  and ill never stop doing a social life is highly over rated lol :Tongue the stuff about the stuff about  the fixes  was before 113 release date  and yes i still hate google  chrome because of  all of  the  tracking and spyware in it hints why i use cent browser because it is the professional version of  chrome  and how  chrome  should have been from the beginning witch makes cent browser identical to chrome butt  with better security features that provent's a a lot of  the crap google allows through freaking nsa spy drone program that google is butt any who lmao

oh one last  thing cent browser is like a professional version of chrome butt way better is so many regard's lmao
This issue should be fixed in
its not  still getting a netflix widevine error  from netflix  and i have  checked it  for update butt the widevine in chromium 59 works witch is works with on netflix's  so it leads  me to believe the issue is in that has the issue

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