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STABLE version -- 5.0.1002.354
(12-16-2023, 07:41 AM)ChromiumIQ Wrote: And why did you post links to this primitive shit on the forum of a good browser?
open source
Maybe a new update can be made for centbrowser on these.
(12-16-2023, 07:33 AM)Aboka Wrote: Old version is 404.
 Here it is
(12-16-2023, 09:15 AM)34ero Wrote: open source
Maybe a new update can be made for centbrowser on these.
Chromium is open source. The task is to transfer all Cent assets to the new engine.
Hey @Cent Browser, when will the new update be released, we've been waiting for so long.
I hope the update will be released before 2024 (before Lunar New Year at the latest).

Btw, here is the new update of Supermium:
[Image: attachment.php?aid=1732] [Image: attachment.php?aid=1733]
I think chromium is getting more complicated with years and it requires more time to track the changes and implement new patches.

> not want to accept donations
I think it's not that he don't want to, but he simply can't. He's in China and the laws and regulations can be pretty tough there. Maybe you can even easily get into jail for receiving foreign donations. I would happily donate a couple bucks once a month or so to support development of a browser i'm using for almost a decade now.
tamer, there is nothing simpler - write a PM to the author, he will tell you the address of the crypto wallet. And no one will know about the donations, not even 習近平  Shy

(12-19-2023, 06:27 AM)vpm Wrote: Most of Cent's functionality can actually be achieved through an extensions using another browser that is actively maintained by tens or hundreds of people every day, all day.

The main reason for using the Сent is the ability to turn off DirectWrite. Do you know more browsers that can do it ?
> write a PM to the author
He might just put a small "donate" (or even d.) link somewhere. That would be much better than flooding his pm and spending time on replies.

> The main reason for using the Сent is the ability to turn off DirectWrite. Do you know more browsers that can do it ?
There are few, but they can't fix that annoying text position

> can actually be achieved through an extensions
No, there are plenty of features that can't be archived with extensions. You can't turn off dw with extensions, change the tabs corners with extension, can't make them smaller, can't scroll the them with the mouse, have incognito tabs in the same window, save basic auth passwords and so. There are dozens of features you probably have't stumbled upon yet, some are hidden behind the switches, some are not documented (like, select text and right click on New tab button to search, etc.). Moreover, check out how much ram each extension takes in the task manager. It gets slow and unusable really quickly when you add many.
tamer, GDIChromium ? And Cent sometimes fails to cope. You have to connect uBO. It does not work everywhere, for example in the Google store:

Cent -


Cent + uBlockOrigin (with the option "Block remote fonts") -


P.s. I couldn't find the "Spoiler" button on the forum.
Maybe the developer doesn't release the version anymore, maybe i have to switch back to Chrome
(12-19-2023, 06:27 AM)vpm Wrote: The conclusion I have drawn from these 64 pages is that posts such as "When will the new version be released?" or "The browser version is too old" or "The browser hasn't been updated in 1-2 years" or discussing other browsers and providing links to them, and exerting pressure, are NOT effective. If there are, for example, 500 users on this forum who have a problem with the old version of the browser, there are at least 100,000 users worldwide for whom the browser still works as expected and well enough for all their web needs. 
Posts like "I change Cent" or "you force me to change Cent" are also NOT effective. In fact, the developer can always examine the statistics on the number of people using the browser and compare it to the previous month, week, or year. Further proof that Cent seems to have a stable audience that doesn't mind things staying as they are now.

Why does the Cent team, at least for now, not want to accept donations for browser development?
= The ANSWER = There may be different reasons, but two are constant:
-1- Independence.
Even with donations, this type of funding binds the developer to some extent, as they assume responsibility towards the donating users.
-2- Donations are too unpredictable and cannot be relied upon consistently. Sometimes there are donations, sometimes there are not. Hiring external individuals to work on the browser carries its own risks. Additionally, financing must be already secured for a long period of time.

When a team of 5-10 people takes care of a browser, and only in their spare time, since they are busy with other things in their daily lives, it is normal for updates to occur every 1-2 years. If these people worked on Cent every day, all day, then updates would be more frequent, possibly several per year.

What we should expect in the FUTURE? 
= The ANSWER = 1-2 updates within a span of 1 to 3 years. I haven't seen any change in this trend despite the pressure being exerted. This includes even the previous stable version.

What will happen when Cent is updated?
= The ANSWER =  after 3 months, it will become outdated again, and after 6 months, it will be too old. And the cycle will repeat and Cent will only receive 1-2 updates every 1-3 years.

I believe we can be more helpful to this browser by changing our approach and at least stopping the application of pressure. This is extremely unpleasant. Do you feel good when your employer, boss, friend, or relative starts exerting systematic and regular pressure on you?

- For those who are impatient and seeking a solution to the problem -
Most of Cent's functionality can actually be achieved through an extensions using another browser that is actively maintained by tens or hundreds of people every day, all day. In this way, in the most ideal scenario, you will have access to 90-95% of what Cent offers, along with regular monthly updates. Yes, it won't be Cent, but you will get almost everything you want and, most importantly, always have an up-to-date kernel. If you don't like this solution either, then you should look for the problem within yourself because there is a solution, but the problem you won't want to accept is yours and not someone else's.

= Feel free to link this post to any impatient user in response to their concerns. =
Thanks for the message.
Your opinion about donation is quite right.

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