01-03-2018, 02:10 PM
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much.
Translate English into Polish
01-03-2018, 02:10 PM
Thank you very much.
06-30-2018, 02:03 PM
Some new strings need translation, thank you.
Text in [] is explanation, no need to translate. Search selected text in the current website Exit the browser When middle clicking on tab[an option to set the behavior of tab middle clicking] Close tab Reload tab Unload tab[discard tab] Take screenshot[start screen capture] Kill tab Failed to create or write into target directory. Focus the first text field[put the first <input type="text"> element into view port and set focus to it]
07-05-2018, 07:22 PM
Search selected text in the current website
Wyszukaj zaznaczony tekst w bieżącej stronie Exit the browser Zamknij przeglądarkę When middle clicking on tab Podczas kliknięcia środkowym przyciskiem Close tab Zamknij kartę Reload tab Załaduj ponownie kartę Unload tab Rozładuj kartę Take screenshot[start screen capture] Zrób zrzut ekranu Kill tab Zabij kartę Failed to create or write into target directory. Nie udało się utworzyć lub zapisać w katalogu docelowym. Focus the first text field Aktywuj pierwsze pole tekstowe
07-07-2018, 04:07 PM
Thank you.
11-07-2018, 03:49 PM
Some new strings need translation, thank you.
Manage shortcut keys Customize keyboard shortcuts for this browser Are you sure you want to reset all keyboard shortcuts? Cancel By clicking on "Accept and Install" you are agreeing to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy By clicking "Install" you understand and acknowledge that you are choosing to install CentBrowser on your system and you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy
11-29-2018, 07:43 PM
Manage shortcut keys
Zarządzaj klawiszami skrótów Customize keyboard shortcuts for this browser Dostosuj skróty klawiaturowe dla tej przeglądarki Are you sure you want to reset all keyboard shortcuts? Czy na pewno chcesz zresetować wszystkie skróty klawiaturowe? Cancel Anuluj By clicking on "Accept and Install" you are agreeing to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy Klikając przycisk "Zaakceptuj i zainstaluj", wyrażasz zgodę na Warunki usługi i Politykę prywatności By clicking "Install" you understand and acknowledge that you are choosing to install CentBrowser on your system and you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy Klikając "Instaluj", rozumiesz i potwierdzasz, że wybierasz instalację programu CentBrowser w swoim systemie i akceptujesz Warunki korzystania i Politykę prywatności
11-30-2018, 04:03 PM
Thanks for the translation.
01-07-2019, 01:19 PM
How about this window? It would be nice to have it translated as well.
![]() Sections: WEB - SIEĆ IMAGES - OBRAZY VIDEOS - WIDEO MAPS - MAPY SOCIAL - SPOŁECZNOŚCI NEWS - WIADOMOŚCI SHOPPING - ZAKUPY CODING - PROGRAMOWANIE OTHER - INNE Individual items: Google Images - Google Grafika Yahoo! Images - Obrazy Yahoo! Bing Images - Obrazy Bing Yandex Images - Obrazy Yandex Google Maps - Mapy Google Bing Maps - Mapy Bing Google News - Wiadomości Google Yahoo! News - Wiadomości Yahoo! Bing News - Wiadomości Bing
01-07-2019, 04:13 PM
(01-07-2019, 01:19 PM)SceneAddict Wrote: How about this window? It would be nice to have it translated as well. OK, we will do it in the next version. All strings and thumbnails should have been localized in the browser. Are those websites most popular ones in Poland? (01-07-2019, 04:13 PM)CentBrowser Wrote: Are those websites most popular ones in Poland? Mostly, yes. More accurately, I would add: Code: VIDEOS |
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