Posts: 110
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Joined: Nov 2015
Happy New Year
Mute all browsers when boss key pressed
Wycisz wszystkie zakładki po naciśnięciu klawisza ukrycia
Remember position of video popup window[always show popuped video window at the same position]
Zapamiętaj pozycję okienka popup video
Most popular
Najbardziej popularny
Show most visited[show thumbnails of most visited websites in new tab page]
Pokaż najczęściej odwiedzane
Pinned tabs can only be closed by context menu
Przypięte karty mogą być zamknięte tylko z poziomu menu kontekstowego
Can be empty.
Może być pusta.
Download again[re-download a task]
Pobierz ponownie
Open popup window in tab[When the website wants to open a popup window, we open a new tab instead]
Otwórz wyskakujące okienko w nowej karcie
Ignore system DPI setting[Stick to 100% device scale, prevent UI zooming]
Ignoruj systemowe ustawienia DPI
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Joined: Oct 2014
Thanks for your work, jack.
Posts: 6,211
Threads: 90
Joined: Oct 2014
Some new strings need to translate, thank you.
Prompt me when current website needs IE
This website needs IE
Add to IE domain list
Remove from IE domain list
Posts: 110
Threads: 7
Joined: Nov 2015
Prompt me when current website needs IE
Zapytaj mnie, gdy bieżąca strona wymaga IE
This website needs IE
Ta strona wymaga IE
Add to IE domain list
Dodaj do listy domen IE
Remove from IE domain list
Usuń z listy domen IE
btw. I have a question. Suppose that I set page as a new page (Set as new page - from right click tab). How to remove it and return to the default empty tab?
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Joined: Oct 2014
(02-15-2017, 09:28 PM)jack Wrote: Prompt me when current website needs IE
Zapytaj mnie, gdy bieżąca strona wymaga IE
This website needs IE
Ta strona wymaga IE
Add to IE domain list
Dodaj do listy domen IE
Remove from IE domain list
Usuń z listy domen IE
btw. I have a question. Suppose that I set page as a new page (Set as new page - from right click tab). How to remove it and return to the default empty tab?
Thanks for your work.
You can open another page and again set it as new tab page,
or go to chrome://settings "Basics"->"New tab page" and modify the content of "Use custom new tab page" directly.
Posts: 110
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Joined: Nov 2015
I think I'm blind. It was so simple. Thanks
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Joined: Oct 2014
Some new strings need to translate, thank you.
Show bookmarks menu
Paste on middle click[Paste the text in clipboard when middle click on a text element]
Video recording[A new feature in plan to record live stream]
Default directory for video recording:
Start recording video
Pause recording video
Stop recording video
Continue recording after video autoplay
Select default directory for video recording
Posts: 110
Threads: 7
Joined: Nov 2015
Show bookmarks menu
Pokaż menu zakładek
Paste on middle click[Paste the text in clipboard when middle click on a text element]
Wklej środkowym przyciskiem myszy
Video recording[A new feature in plan to record live stream]
Nagrywanie wideo
Default directory for video recording:
Domyślny katalog do nagrywania wideo:
Start recording video
Rozpocznij nagrywanie wideo
Pause recording video
Wstrzymaj nagrywanie wideo
Stop recording video
Zatrzymaj nagrywanie wideo
Continue recording after video autoplay
Kontynuuj nagrywanie po autoplayu wideo
Select default directory for video recording
Wybierz domyślny katalog do nagrywania wideo
Posts: 6,211
Threads: 90
Joined: Oct 2014
@jack, thank you for your work.
Posts: 6,211
Threads: 90
Joined: Oct 2014
08-14-2017, 06:18 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-15-2017, 05:32 PM by Admini.)
Some new strings need to translate, thank you.
Enable suggestions in the address bar
Reset this dial["dial" means the items in Most Popular page]
Reset all dials
Reload thumbnail
Confirm reseting dial
Are you sure to reset this dial to
Are you sure to reset all dials?
Show screenshot button
Left click to capture normally.
Right click to hide the browser window and capture.
Open recommended page
[Can translate as "Open recommended URL"]
Once a day
Every time
Show tab bar at the bottom of browser window