If you want to backup as less files as possible, there is a file list in the attachment.
You should put it in your installation directory(the same directory with chrome.exe).
file_list.txt (Size: 273 bytes / Downloads: 813)
Then you can add a command bookmark having the following content:
cmd://cmd.exe /c for /f "delims=" %I in (..\file_list.txt) do xcopy /siy "..\%I" "E:\My_Cent_Profile\"
(You should change E:\My_Cent_Profile\ to your own path)
When you want to do a backup, just click the command bookmark.
You should put it in your installation directory(the same directory with chrome.exe).

Then you can add a command bookmark having the following content:
cmd://cmd.exe /c for /f "delims=" %I in (..\file_list.txt) do xcopy /siy "..\%I" "E:\My_Cent_Profile\"
(You should change E:\My_Cent_Profile\ to your own path)
When you want to do a backup, just click the command bookmark.