CentBrowser Forum

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(07-18-2024, 01:52 PM)Admini Wrote: [ -> ]By default, it won't delete history, downloads, and cookies.
You can run it from the Help menu: "Alt+F"->"Help"->"Wipe browsing data"
You can select the options to be cleaned there. ("network cache" includes cookies)
Thank you
Что за предупреждение вверху страницы форума?
Ремонтные работы на сервере, база данных, похоже, балует...
(07-24-2024, 01:24 PM)DSV72 Wrote: [ -> ]Что за предупреждение вверху страницы форума?
Seems it is a bug of MyBB forum.
(07-26-2024, 06:54 AM)Админ Wrote: [ -> ]Кажется, это ошибка форума MyBB.
И как это устранить?
(07-27-2024, 02:18 PM)DSV72 Wrote: [ -> ]И как это устранить?
Тебе никак
Warnings about the browser version incompatibility with some extensions have started appearing again.
[Image: 5b445a5532f05f452c62ce3c3cd90469.png]
(07-31-2024, 11:21 AM)Sitego Wrote: [ -> ]Warnings about the browser version incompatibility with some extensions have started appearing again.
[Image: 5b445a5532f05f452c62ce3c3cd90469.png]
Just stay on the current version before we upgrade.
When can we expect an update? :]

[Image: 2f3c2973ad6a95597080083d84d8bdfe.png]
(07-31-2024, 09:42 PM)o_0 Wrote: [ -> ]When can we expect an update? :]

[Image: 2f3c2973ad6a95597080083d84d8bdfe.png]
No. You should check extension used, or try with safe mode.