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Full Version: STABLE version -- 5.1.1130.129
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(11-16-2024, 09:50 AM)Odes Wrote: [ -> ]Please:

the folder will not close if you open the bookmarks by clicking the mouse wheel.
Yes, ok, thanks, I just didn't know, Pardon ).
(11-07-2024, 05:36 PM)Admini Wrote: [ -> ]Will upgrade as soon as possible.
Are you having problems with the current version?
https://apps.microsoft.com/  requires engine version higher than 118 (I haven't checked which one the site requires)
(11-24-2024, 11:39 PM)QZMTCH Wrote: [ -> ]https://apps.microsoft.com/  requires engine version higher than 118 (I haven't checked which one the site requires)

Works just fine for me https://i.imgur.com/zRs1DOq.png
Seems the url you have is messed up, why there's "?amp" part and 2 "gl="...
(11-25-2024, 01:07 PM)tamer Wrote: [ -> ]Works just fine for me https://i.imgur.com/zRs1DOq.png
Seems the url you have is messed up, why there's "?amp" part and 2 "gl="...
https://i.imgur.com/536XxmZ.png checked on a clean browser, different versions (5.1.1130.129 version on screenshot), always empty
I use portable versions and this version is x32. I haven't tried it on the installed version
(11-25-2024, 07:18 PM)QZMTCH Wrote: [ -> ]https://i.imgur.com/536XxmZ.png checked on a clean browser, different versions (5.1.1130.129 version on screenshot), always empty
I use portable versions and this version is x32. I haven't tried it on the installed version

Looks like the SPA source to me, there shouldn't be anything. You may better check the Console and Network tabs for the errors instead.
Here's the same url: https://i.imgur.com/KvKGSH6.png
(11-26-2024, 12:26 PM)tamer Wrote: [ -> ]Looks like the SPA source to me, there shouldn't be anything. You may better check the Console and Network tabs for the errors instead.
Here's the same url: https://i.imgur.com/KvKGSH6.png
This is not just happening to me

(11-26-2024, 12:26 PM)tamer Wrote: [ -> ]You may better check the Console and Network tabs for the errors instead.
this was done first https://i.imgur.com/k25gZpg.png https://i.imgur.com/RXazuNA.png

I checked on two computers, the site does not form anywhere, did you check it on a clean browser? I remember you also used custom devtools, maybe it has some effect on browser
(11-26-2024, 12:46 PM)QZMTCH Wrote: [ -> ]I remember you also used custom devtools, maybe it has some effect on browser

Yeah, i've compiled myself a newest one, but it shouldn't affect the page itself. Have you enabled #enable-javascript-harmony flag? Try to enable it, it should fix the issue.
(11-26-2024, 02:33 PM)tamer Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah, i've compiled myself a newest one, but it shouldn't affect the page itself. Have you enabled #enable-javascript-harmony flag? Try to enable it, it should fix the issue.
yes the flag helped, but how stable is work with this flag? the flag was disabled
it's time to update the engine version anyway
https://www.centbrowser.net/en/showthrea...7#pid27277 there are more and more problems
extensions are not installed anymore, not because of the minimum version, but because of the manifest (although in theory they should have been installed) 
why he added both "scripts" and "service_worker" to the background is unclear, but the extension is installed on new engines, but not on old engines, you need to delete "scripts"
(11-26-2024, 11:19 PM)QZMTCH Wrote: [ -> ]yes the flag helped, but how stable is work with this flag? the flag was disabled
it's time to update the engine version anyway

Never had any issues caused by this flag, it just enables the newest js features that would be available in the next few releases. I would even make it enabled by default on cent.
I think it would take some time to update. There were many unpleasant changes recently. And the latest stable v130 had some nasty bugs, ex. the Fetch with Promise caused 10-15 requests per query and some other bugs.