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Full Version: STABLE version -- 5.1.1130.129
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I have the same problem. The new version of X64 is very slow to open for the first time. It takes 5 seconds. It also in safe mode.
how long do you plan to support win7 ?
Спасибо ВАМ БОЛЬШОЕ за CENT !!!!
(04-26-2024, 08:20 AM)jorhan Wrote: [ -> ]I have the same problem. The new version of X64 is very slow to open for the first time. It takes 5 seconds. It also in safe mode.
Usually it happens because of many files of cache and browser history are used at start. Try to install Cent on SSD or RAM-drive if you have portable version.
(04-26-2024, 08:20 AM)jorhan Wrote: [ -> ]I have the same problem. The new version of X64 is very slow to open for the first time. It takes 5 seconds. It also in safe mode.
Are you using ESET anti-virus?
It may be caused by its LiveGuard feature.
(04-26-2024, 10:26 AM)harmony1929 Wrote: [ -> ]how long do you plan to support win7 ?
Not sure, depends on its workload.
(04-26-2024, 01:05 PM)kopa Wrote: [ -> ]Спасибо ВАМ БОЛЬШОЕ за CENT !!!!
Thanks for your support.
(04-26-2024, 05:26 PM)Admin Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for your support.

Will chromium be updated in the new build?
(04-26-2024, 05:23 PM)Admin Wrote: [ -> ]Are you using ESET anti-virus?
It may be caused by its LiveGuard feature.

thanks for your reminder
I used F-secure , added centbrowser to the DeepGuard exclude list, and it worked!
Hello, this question came to my email with an answer from a person who sent me a photo when right-clicking and selecting open image in a new tab, the file download begins and not opening in a new window how to solve it? Version 5.1.1130.82 https://i.postimg.cc/52192KFd/Zw-X9-R3sbz-Y.jpg