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Full Version: STABLE version -- 5.1.1130.129
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(10-19-2024, 11:46 AM)tamer Wrote: [ -> ]Admini
Are you planning to restore the old behavior of multilogin tabs in the next release? Now the sessions are shared between the nested tabs. For example, if you want to test the same form on the site, you have to open even more tabs until you finally reach the clear one.

[Image: e3d4VJz.png]
Do you mean that multilogin tabs with different dots have the same cookies?
Does enabling this option resolve the issue?
"Clear browsing data automatically after closing multilogin tabs" in chrome://settings/privacy
(10-19-2024, 04:42 PM)Admini Wrote: [ -> ]"Clear browsing data automatically after closing multilogin tabs" in chrome://settings/privacy

Sounds like this should fix the issue. Somehow i overlooked this option. Will try it out, thanks!
It appears that MS has messed up with the fonts of the chrome's engine. Will this affect us? I personally don't care about the color emojis and variable fonts, but keeping DW option is just crucial for readability. https://github.com/win32ss/supermium/iss...2337222570
(10-21-2024, 11:36 AM)tamer Wrote: [ -> ]It appears that MS has messed up with the fonts of the chrome's engine. Will this affect us? I personally don't care about the color emojis and variable fonts, but keeping DW option is just crucial for readability. https://github.com/win32ss/supermium/iss...2337222570
After all, GDI font rendering has been dropped by Chromium for 8 years, and there will definitely be more and more compatibility issues.
However, you can try to use user scripts to simulate MacType effect:
There is a global problem in all chromium browsers (I haven't checked it in Firefox). On this page chrome://new-tab-page-third-party/ there is a list of popular sites. Sites appear in this list only if you enter them in the browser's address bar (omnibox), and if you go to a site by clicking on a bookmark, the site does not get into this list. The counter increases the number of transitions only from the address bar, but I would like it to increase from bookmarks too.
Is there a way to make a click counter on bookmarks so that sites get into this list?
(10-23-2024, 11:31 AM)QZMTCH Wrote: [ -> ]There is a global problem in all chromium browsers (I haven't checked it in Firefox). On this page chrome://new-tab-page-third-party/ there is a list of popular sites. Sites appear in this list only if you enter them in the browser's address bar (omnibox), and if you go to a site by clicking on a bookmark, the site does not get into this list. The counter increases the number of transitions only from the address bar, but I would like it to increase from bookmarks too.
Is there a way to make a click counter on bookmarks so that sites get into this list?
Accessing from address bar and bookmarks are both counted by default. The reason for not counting accessing from bookmarks may be because you ever deleted the URL from the popular list before (This will reduce the weight of the URL), or the algorithm thinks that you are not interested enough in the URL.
(10-25-2024, 05:35 PM)Admini Wrote: [ -> ]Accessing from address bar and bookmarks are both counted by default. The reason for not counting accessing from bookmarks may be because you ever deleted the URL from the popular list before (This will reduce the weight of the URL), or the algorithm thinks that you are not interested enough in the URL.
and if the bookmarks are in a folder, and I go to them from a new page that is made by the extension? https://github.com/zombieFox/nightTab like this? the extension stores bookmarks here other bookmarks -> tab 
it turns out that only clicks from the bookmarks bar and bookmarks page are taken into account?
(10-18-2024, 08:56 AM)Протон1983 Wrote: [ -> ]После переустановки винды все стало переводиться, опять же сайт http://nnmclub.to/ не открылся, дело вивальди без проблем, цент только через VPN, срочно нужно обновление Chromium

Проверил: http://nnmclub.to открывается только с VPN ! 
Cent и правда давно нуждается в обновлении - заметна не полностью корректная работа сайтов, тормоза.
(10-18-2024, 08:56 AM)Proton1983 Wrote: [ -> ]После переустановки Windows все стало переводиться, опять же сайт http://nnmclub.to/ не открывается, причем Vivaldi без проблем, а Cent только через VPN, срочно нужно обновить Chromium

nnmclub, kinozal, rutracker и подобные заблокированы же РКН. Без установки соответствующих расширений или VPN они и не будут открываться из России..
(10-25-2024, 11:07 PM)QZMTCH Wrote: [ -> ]and if the bookmarks are in a folder, and I go to them from a new page that is made by the extension? https://github.com/zombieFox/nightTab like this? the extension stores bookmarks here other bookmarks -> tab 
it turns out that only clicks from the bookmarks bar and bookmarks page are taken into account?
No, clicking on a bookmark from anywhere will be counted.
There should be something wrong with your cache data.